Sunday, October 14, 2012

Kei-Tan : There've been some serious attitudes going around here~~

"Ukht, you know what? I'm really jelous with your usrah. I mean, just look at my usrah, we seem so distant with each other, going on our separate ways and all.. My usrah can only be felt when it's only usrah's time, and I'm sick of what happened to us.. While you guys, seems so close.. Just by a glance and I could tell that you're all have that bonds around you.."

          Okay, I'm actually quite shocked to hear that.. Since I'd never thought that a person would only feel the usrah's spirit at usrah's time only.. I'm quite sad to hear that.. I mean, how could one possibly be saying "ukhwah fillah" without any feelings attached to it? Don't you love your ukht with all your heart? [whooops, I don't want to sound like a bit sentimental here.. xP]

          Hrmmm, actually. I've been putting a lot of thoughts on this.. Why would anyone be jelous when they claimed themselves they're 'ukhwah fillah'? In the life of 'ukhwah fillah',  JELOUSY does NOT EXIST! Except for the fact that it shows us how WEAK our so-called 'ukhwah fillah'.. Seriously! If there've been bits of jelousy or envy whenever you see your friend that you used to say 'Uhubbuki fillah' to her, please think again about why in the first place you want to be sahabat with her.. ;)

.:Ukhwah fillah means no jelousy between two person:.

P/s : No, I never intended to hurt anyone's feeling by posting this.. If you think I purposely aim this post to you, think twice about your friendship..

Peace out,